What Led Me to Become a Coach
I’m glad you asked! This decision came out of deep inner work I did back in 2019. My journey of personal growth started when I was around 19 years old, back in 2010. The desire to change a few things in my life started to grow inside me. Yes, girls. I felt completely lost in that area back then and I heard about a woman who was doing an alternative therapy called Rebirthing.
My parents never trusted psychologists very much and my idea about them was that you just sit down and talk with them about your problems and not necessarily find solutions. Someone close to me though,worked with Rosa, the Rebirthing therapist or rebirther, and I decided to at least go talk to her. I was also curious about lucid dreaming and astral projection so I figured I’d also ask her about that. Yet, when I sat down in her sofa and she asked something along the lines of how she could help me, I said “no one needs me”, a sentence that stuck in my memory. I was complaining.
After talking with her for an hour or so, I decided to sign up for ten sessions with her which was helpful. I learned breathing techniques that helped me start every day feeling positive while some of my friends were noticing a positive change in me. I was friendlier and more social and I was happy about that — there was still a lot of work to do, around girls and everything, but it was a nice start.
Fast forward to 2019 and the amount of inner work I’d done grew a bit. Gestalt therapy, sound healing training, shamanism, a seduction workshop, retreats, meditation classes, books, body work and even psychotherapy. My focus up to that point was to find things to fix in me and be aware of patterns that were holding me back from being happy and empowered. It wasn’t all cakes and ale though, I made many mistakes along the way. I became arrogant, pushed friends away and lost connections in a not particularly wise way.
Then, in late July of that same year, I got a Facebook message from a man called Mark Usher, who is a life coach. At that time I was a member of a self-development platform called Optimize.me and they have their own social media app where you can connect with other “optimizers”. You guessed it, he was also a member. He offered me a two-hour fearless coaching conversation for free and I happily said yes as I heard about coaching but never knew what it was really about.
Truth to be told, I wasn’t very happy at that point. I was at a 3/10 on life satisfaction. Even though I had a great job that allowed me to travel and do creative things I was frustrated with life, I was deep in the victim mindset. Poor sleep, poor digestion and not so much vitality. So after two intense conversations, I hired Mark to be my coach for a full year. I paid €10,000. That’s how important it was for me to create a life I was satisfied with and that would revolve around a profession that I would love.
One day two months or so into the coaching, while I was I having lunch with Clàudia, a coworker and good friend, I had a powerful revelation. I saw how I spent years looking for what needed to be fixed in me while I was missing that there are also good qualities both in myself and others that can grow and expand!
I cherish the memory of that day because it was like a new beginning. Part of me felt both inspired and let down because during all these years of working on myself I never really felt that someone believed deeply in me, which I’m not saying from a place of resentment towards anyone but rather a place of gratitude. I was grateful to have all that therapy and self-development under my belt as something I don’t want to offer to people. Every one was focused on the past so I said “let’s help people create a fantastic future for themselves!”
That’s it for now. I might come back to my story in future posts, we’ll see. If you’d like to tell me about something you’d love to see happening in your world, you can schedule a free two-hour coaching conversation with me here https://calendly.com/miquelmalet/coaching.
Much love,